Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Capricious as I may be, I’m also a bit type A with a splash of are a few more facts about me.

I’m a Gemini in every way. Inquisitive, mercurial, playful, sarcastic, if you’re unfamiliar with the sign read this article. It's me to a tee!

I drive at least 15 miles over the speed limit at all times.

The love of my life up to this point is a dog named Broady.

I’m a night owl.

In my lifetime I’ve wanted to be a professional Dancer, a Journalist, a House Flipper, a Secret Agent and a Financial Advisor…none of these have panned out so far, but I’m still holding out hope for Secret Agent.

I’d love a Starbucks grande, skinny caramel mocha right now.

I find running cathartic, it gives me energy, confidence and helps me work through any issues.

I derive a strange sense of satisfaction from popping people’s zits.

I think our dreams give us important insights into life.
I’m always running late.

I have a need for everything to make sense, which obviously makes me a very frustrated person. This need tends to draw me to ridiculously complex souls because I have a fervent desire to solve the mental puzzle inside their heads.

I hate the word moist.

I frequently drive around aimlessly with the radio turned up loud so I can think

I adore chocolate covered raisins.

I get all my best ideas in the shower and forget half of them by the time I dry off.

I resent the fact that I’m not a man 90% of the time. Lucky bastards.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Why Commonly Capricious?

My ex fiancĂ© once told me he didn’t think I was capable of following through with anything. Another ex told me I was the most difficult person to read he’d ever met (and considering figuring out this guy was like trying to put together a 500 piece puzzle that was in the wrong box, that was a bit concerning…but also a little flattering. Is it concerning that I found that flattering?). I overheard yet another man I’d dated describe me affectionately as…capricious. I’d never thought of myself this way, but it got me thinking.

I recently saw the movie “Wanderlust” and as I watched Jennifer Aniston’s character, Linda, I thought to myself “That’s me! That’s so me.” Words like open minded, original, free-thinking, creative, brave and adventurous always came to mind when I thought about myself. Not flakey, aimless, irresponsible and vacillating. When I was younger I always used to say I wanted to do it all before I died. I was a brave little thing. I still remember being 4 years old at an amusement park with my cousins and my older brother (all boys). Even though my brother was 5 years older than me, he was terrified of riding the zipper, all the boys were, but not me, not even a little bit. I was excited. I took my aunts hand and walked right up to the line and onto the ride without a second thought and I reveled in every thrilling minute of it. “My motto has always been I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it.” I’ve been called things like rebellious, stubborn, independent, feisty, straightforward, the type of girl who doesn’t take any shit. To that I reply I’m not stubborn, my way is just better. And I’m not rebellious, I just don’t like being told what to do. I’m independent and feisty, because I’ve had to be and I’m straightforward because I believe you do no one any favors by lying to them. Those attributes aside, I’m not as tough as I’d have everyone think. I tend to have a lack of boundaries with people and put my faith in all wrong ones. I’m painfully insecure and question everything about myself most days. I’m so very emotionally weak when it comes to men. My mind is generally thinking a dozen different thoughts at once, jumping from one to the next and back again. I’m easily bored with routines and day to day life. I need constant stimulation, communication, activity, amusement or distraction to keep me interested and I tire of things quickly once they become predictable. I’ve had at least 20 jobs in my life and considering I’m still in my twenties, that’s a lot. I feel too much, I think too much and I tend to say too much…or conversely, not enough. You can see how this might cause me problems in the corperate, grin and bear it, world we live in. Try as I might to mold myself to fit into some traditional role, I fail miserably every time. Sooner or later I just start to feel like a bird in a cage who desperately needs to fly free.

“I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away. I don’t know where my home is. I don’t know where my soul is…”

Sorry, I do that. I’m a Gemini with ADD, what do you expect?  At any given time I have a soundtrack to my life playing in my head. And, yes I do believe in astrology, not the lame, magazine horoscope version, but legitimate astrology…moving on…

I’ve spent many years masquerading my non-committal, free spirit as a strong, sensible, sure of herself kind, who knows exactly what she wants, where she’s going and how she’ll get there. Pffft…not so much. I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I lack determination, it’s sticking with an aim that’s the problem. I’m constantly discovering new distractions to be delighted by. There’s so much to do and so little time. Who wants to waste any of it being bored doing the same old, repetitive shit? Certainly not me. Extended periods of boredom actually cause me physical discomfort and mass anxiety. It’s as if every fiber of my being is squirming like an ant on the pavement, under a magnifying glass, in the hot sun. I have two options, lay there and die or crawl away as fast as my burning ant legs will take me. I crave new experiences, adventures and places. And when I try to confine my life to the basic 9-5 job and monogamous relationship, and trust me I do try…chaos inevitably ensues. I have yet to figure out if this is due to some subconscious, yet self-created upheaval to stave off an ordinary, peaceful, i.e boring existence or it’s life not so gently pointing me in another direction. I’m not sure if I’m simply meant to do something bigger and better or if I’m simply a mess?

The only conclusion I’ve drawn so far is that I am in fact, commonly capricious.